vCenter 6.5 to 7.X upgrade - Stage 2 taking time at "Starting VMware Postgress"

 vCenter 6.5 to 7.X upgrade - Stage 2 taking time at "Starting VMware Postgress"

I was upgrading our PROD vCenter  6.5 to 7.x and because it's PROD, opted to copy Events + Perf Data and config, which was totaling around 75GB data be copied. 

I was taking a lot of time at step "Starting VMware Postgress" and I was worried as the step just says it's trying to start Postgress! After waiting for 30 mins, I checked messages and logs in the new appliance and it was all referring to Postgress. I was running short of time and decided to give-up and restart. 

Started the Stage 2 again and it was stuck again. This time I decided to give it little more time as I was to postpone the change if that doesn't work. To my surprise it moved on after 50 mins

I wish if VMware labled that step in the upgrade process giving more info! 

Best of luck! 


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