vCenter SSO User password Expired

We had a vCenter SSO user created for SRM and it's password expired. Here is how you can check it and fix it.

User name is srm@vsphere.local

1) Login to VCSA with SSH and below are commands

root@vcenterserver [ ] cd /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/

root@vcenterserver [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin ]# ./dir-cli user find-by-name --account srm --level 2
Enter password for administrator@vsphere.local:
Account: srm
Account disabled: FALSE
Account locked: FALSE
Password never expires: FALSE
Password expired: TRUE

root@vcenterserver [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin ]#./dir-cli user modify --account srm  --password-never-expires
Enter password for administrator@vsphere.local:
Password set to never expire for [srm].

root@vcenterserver [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin ]#./dir-clipassword reset --account srm --password XXXXXXXX 


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