
Showing posts from August, 2021

PowerCLI - Fails to logon to vCenter VCSA using integrated authentication

 I recently made a PowerCLI script to pull reports from 4 vCenters we got in our infra. Script was tested against once vCenter and was working great. So deployed it in out script host to be able to schedule and also configured to run it against all 4 vCenters. Then noticed it's getting stuck when it's at lab vCenter and pops up asking for credentials, which I was not expecting as it was suppose to run it using integrated authentication. Works fine against 3 remaining vCenters when I tried. I was able to reproduce this issue by  1) Opened PowerCli as service account that we are using to pull report. 2) tried to connect to Prod vCenter "Connect-viserver ProdvCenter" and it logged in immediately.  3) "Connect-viserver LabvCenter" brought up credential popups again   4) To troubleshoot, I issued connect command again with verberos switch (-v) and cancelled the credential window. Below is the output from it.   PS C:\Users\ vCAdmin > Connect-VIServer  -v  VMwar