vCenter / Simple install errors when using SQL Server
Error: Database connection has failed. You can refer to the vm-sso-javaLib.log in the system temporary folder for more information. You may get the above error when you fill in details on "Database Information" screen and click on next Issue is actually with the Single Sign On Database. Installer is expecting a database to be present with few table structures in it. It is stated in the instillation wizard if you go one step back! So what you need to do is 1) do to the install location (DVD or the local copy) 2) Navigate to Single Sign On\DBScripts\SSOServer\schema\mssql (or to the right database folder if you are using databases other than SQL) 3) SKIP THIS STEP IF SQL IS INSTALLED ON THE SAME SERVER === Copy files " rsaIMSLiteMSSQLSetupTablespaces.sql" and "rsaIMSLiteMSSQLSetupUsers.sql" to the server running SQL Database 4) Open "SQL Management Studio" 5) Double Click and open "rsaIMSLiteMSSQLSetupTablespaces.sql". It will get ope